Vitamin Shaklee No. 1 - Menang Anugerah The BrandLaureate Awards Best Brand MLM

Berita tergempar! Saya baru ja plan nak masuk tidur awal pagi semalam sesambil schedule kan post. Tetiba baca Whatsapp dalam secret group, Master Firdhaus Zulkifli update pasal Shaklee dicalonkan dalam Best Brand in MLM untuk The BrandLaureate Awards.

Masa tu berdebar tunggu apa la hasilnya..

Tiba-tiba dapat keputusan....

Shaklee menang untuk Best Brands in MLM - Nutritional Supplements !!!

Dear All,

Proud  to announce  that  Shaklee  Malaysia  under the leadership  of our President Mr. Victor Lim, we have won the Brand Laureate  Awards 2014-2015 for Corporate  Branding  - MLM.

We're  the only  MLM  company  in this category.

Congratulations to all for keep  believing in Shaklee and keep supporting Shaklee all this years.

Apa ke menda The BrandLaureate Awards tu?

The BrandLaureate Awards, organised by the Asia Pacific Brands Foundation (APBF) , is the most renowned brand award ceremony. This is where the best of brands from multinationals, public listed and government linked companies in Malaysia and the Asia Pacific region are recognised and rewarded.

Atau nak senang cakap ala ala The Grammy Awards. Tapi for branding. Hehehe

Kelas kau Jah Tipah Timah Peah semua, makan suplemen yang menang Grammy Awards. Hehehe

Ini boleh menjadikan Shaklee nombor satuuuuuuuuuuuuuu la dalam Malaysia. Hehehe. Jadi pasni dah takda alasan orang tak tau pasal Shaklee lagi dah.

This is #shakleeeffect

Yang pasti pendaftaran ahli bukan rm10k macam zaman 90-an dahulu kala. Sebabnya pendaftaran keahlian Shaklee hanya rm75 sahaja (termasuk harga pos memberkit rm10)

Come and join our organization. Dan men-Shaklee-kan pasangan, anak-anak, ibu bapa, komuniti kita ;)


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